bi gün duramayip yuvarlanıcam burdan aşaği arabayla diye korkmuyosam nolıyım..

[ˈsʊ.iː ˈɡɛnɛrɪs]) has a meaning "of its own kind/genus" and hence "unique in its characteristics". The term is widely used to refer to (1) philosophy, when a concept is not available; (2) biology, when a species does not fit into a genus which includes other species; (3) law, when a special and unique interpretation of a case or authority is found to be necessary; (4) politics and societal norms, where there is no real authority perceived.
memory remains
Dust to dust, ash to ash, fade to black!
Footnote 1: 05:00'da gözüken Lars Ulrich!
Footnote 2: Aydınlanma yaşayan şahıs, topumu ver olm oynamiyorum seninle!
Footnote 3: Bülent ersoy bir ben bir Allah biliyor ararken yine nirelere geldim.
Footnote 4: An itibariyle 65.000 tekil kullanıcıya erişmişim.thanks to everybody.
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