[ˈsʊ.iː ˈɡɛnɛrɪs]) has a meaning "of its own kind/genus" and hence "unique in its characteristics".
The term is widely used to refer to (1) philosophy, when a concept is not available; (2) biology, when a species does not fit into a genus which includes other species; (3) law, when a special and unique interpretation of a case or authority is found to be necessary; (4) politics and societal norms, where there is no real authority perceived.
Kafam cam kiriklariyla dolu doktor! Bu nedenle beynimin her hareketinde dusuncelerim aciyor anliyor musun? Butun hayatim boyunca bu cam kiriklarini beyin zarimin uzerinde tasimak ve onlari oynatmadan son derece hesapli dusunmek zorundayim..